Language, Culture and Identity in Two Chinese Community Schools: More than One Way of Being Chinese?

Language, Culture and Identity in Two Chinese Community Schools: More than One Way of Being Chinese? PDF

This e-book investigates the social, political and academic position of group language training in migratory contexts.

It attracts on an ethnographic research that investigates the importance of Mandarin-Chinese group education in Britain as an intercultural house for these concerned.

To grasp the interrelation of ‘language’, ‘tradition’ and ‘id’, the e-book adopts a ‘bricolage’ method that brings collectively a variety of theoretical views.

This e-book challenges homogenous and stereotypical constructions of Chinese language, tradition and id

– such because the picture of Chinese pupils as conformist and deferent learners

– which are usually repeated each in the media and in educational dialogue.

Size: 3,35 MB
Pages:197 p.


Language, Culture and Identity in Two Chinese Community Schools: More than One Way of Being Chinese? PDF

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