Speaking Activities (Junior English Timesaver)

Speaking Activities (Junior English Timesaver) PDF Good reading texts are highly versatile – either as springboards to discussion or as a lead in to more detailed comprehension exercises. The problem for teachers working on an intensive course in the UK is that text taken from everyday newspapers in the UK will be upgraded – and … Read more

Developing Chinese Elementary Comprehensive Course Ⅰ (2nd Edition)

Developing Chinese Elementary Comprehensive Course Ⅰ (2nd Edition) PDF The textbook is intended for first-time learners of the Chinese language.The tutorial is divided into two parts. Each lesson includes grammar, reading, speaking, writing and listening.The overall goal is comprehensive development in the study of the Chinese language, communicative competence, instilling interest in the study of … Read more

Resumptivity in Mandarin Chinese: A Minimalist Account

Resumptivity in Mandarin Chinese: A Minimalist Account PDF This book provides a minimalist account for the derivation of different types of A’-dependencies mediated by gaps and resumptive pronouns in Mandarin Chinese. Adopting a comparative approach, this study not only offers a promising analysis of resumption in Minimalist Program but also improves the general understanding of … Read more

Colloquial Czech: The Complete Course for Beginners

Colloquial Czech: The Complete Course for Beginners PDF Colloquial Czech provides a step-by-step course in Czech as it is written and spoken today. Combining a user-friendly approach with a thorough treatment of the language, it equips learners with the essential skills needed to communicate confidently and effectively in Czech in a broad range of situations. … Read more

The Maqámát of Badí’ al-Zamán al-Hamadhání

The Maqámát of Badí’ al-Zamán al-Hamadhání: Translated From The Arabic With An Introduction and Notes Historical and Grammatical The triple intention of Hamadhání on this work, first translated into English in 1915, seems to have been to amuse. to curiosity and to instruct; and this explains why, regardless of the inherent problem of a piece … Read more