1. How to download files
All files here are uploaded to file hosting sites, you are not request to pay again to download any file, in every post you will find several links to download your desired file, maybe sometimes you will find just one link or non working link all what you have to do in that case post a comment requesting new links or more links.
In the following steps we will explain to you how to download files from Mediafire, Uptobox, pCloud and Google Drive
- Mediafire
Mediafire is one of the best file hosting in the world all what you have to do is copy the download link and paste it in your web browser and then click enter to download the file and file will be downloading immediately .
- Uptobox and pCloud
Copy the download link and paste it in your web browser and then click enter to download the file and file will be downloading immediately. Maybe you will see the ads before download. If you want to download max speed and ignore ads, you can buy premium accounts on Uptobox / pCloud.
- Google Drive
It is easy to open download links and download the language course files.
2. How to open the files
All files are compressed files as rar / zip archive file and protected with password
the password to open all files are langcoursenetwork.com
How to open the rar / zip file this depend on your operation system such as windows ,Linux ,mac ,android,etc…..
Microsoft Windows users
to open rar file in a PC with Microsoft windows you have to install one of the following softwares
7zip is free software can be downloaded from the following link
go to the previous link and choice the download link for your system 32-bit x86 or 64-bit x64
download the software and install it to your PC and then you can open the files easily.
2- winrar
you can download winrar from the following link
choice the folder for your system whatever it’s 32bit or 64bit
download the exe file and the key ,put them in one folder in your PC and install the program by running the exe file
3- winzip
the previous 2 programs is easier from winzip
for mac users you can download a program from the following link
3. Linux
for Linux users you can install a software called xarchiver by following the following commands
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y xarchiver
sudo apt-get install aptitude
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install rar unrar
To open rar file in ipad download software from the following link for free